lethal tempo interaction with navori quickblade. Previously, Navori Quickblades can out-DPS the Infinity Edge due to its ability to reset basic ability cooldowns with auto attacks. lethal tempo interaction with navori quickblade

 Previously, Navori Quickblades can out-DPS the Infinity Edge due to its ability to reset basic ability cooldowns with auto attackslethal tempo interaction with navori quickblade  Build: Core - Navori Quickblade > Vamp Boots> Vamp Sceptor

If snowballing: Solari Chargeblade > Bloodthirster . Kraken -> BF sword for q evolve -> Stormrazor -> Navori/Phantom Dancer -> the other -> mercurial/mortal/defensive Threading in beserkers when you can Now honestly idk if navori needs 60 or 80% crit to become worth, but for me, most games finish before 4th item, so have been building navori 3rd to test it more. Ability haste and Navori Quickblade, Attack speed and Rageblade,. 1 micropatch gave ADC players a nice shot of excitement with some stronger defensive tools plus earlier access to Navori Quickblades and Infinity Edge. The Kog'Maw build for ADC is Guinsoo's Rageblade and Lethal Tempo. You already got Tailor for light armor and Artificer will cover some of your weapon options, I'd recommend Weaponsmith next. That's 2-5 items which have a must-build status on poke-Ashe, making navori quickblades hard to slot in. Essence Reaver is like, the LAST item I'd build. The problem will be having to buy two cloaks to get the passive. If. Based on our analysis of 59 092 matches in patch 13. 23 the best build for Volibear is Nashor's Tooth, Plated Steelcaps, Riftmaker, Hullbreaker, and Spirit Visage. I always felt like HoB is better early and Tempo is suited for the later stages in the game. 59. 15 Ability Haste. The issue is that Navori gets less value the lower a CD is, since it only affects the remaining CD of the ability. cwabz • 4 mo. Lethal Tempo mandatory (remove AS cap) Legend: Bloodline for Life Steal will need to check interaction with Runaan and Fishbones >> no specific interaction with Runaan or Rocket. For rhnes you want Lethal tempo, triumph, alacrity and last stand. It does not work. Secondary can be whatever but I'm really enjoying Inspiration tree with Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity. Close. I don't know honestly, IE feels good only third. Navori Quickblade is a late game item, when you complete your build at 100% crit so your every auto resets on it. Even with only 40% crit, tristana if she is free firing will be able to maintain her AS steroid up the entire time unless she has some bad luck. With Navori Quickblades becoming a mythic and prowler's becoming a legendary with no dash I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen to gangplank who's become very streamlined in terms of itemisation. Your draw phase, I activate Metaverse, allowing me to activate a Field Spell directly from my deck. Usually, Attack Speed is capped at 2. Berserker’s Greaves Galeforce Navori quickblade Infinity Edge Mortal Reminder Serylda’s Grudge Tryndamere Skill. Just make sure to go Navori Quickblades as well for that infinity stun. For example, when the pickrate of an item is. I have leaguestarted Storm Brand Inquisitor each league for the last 4 or so leagues, and I absolutely love the storm brand playstyle. CRITICAL STRIKE CHANCE : 20%. Time for the nerfs we all knew were coming. 3 Aurelion Sol. So it's 3400+600 for your 2nd item spike. The Sivir build for ADC is Navori Quickblades and Lethal Tempo. The attack speed bonus is substantial and it works at any stage of the game. 8. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Item's now only good for on-hit champions or Tryndamere tbh, it give an unnecessary attack speed and a bit of attack damage, essentially the highest point of hit or miss type of item. It doesn't provide you attack speed either and it takes the place of, by far the best Yasuo item,. Tryndamere's Abilities. General Tips Finally, let’s go over some general tips to help you get through your Miss Fortune runs with Guns Blazing. Patch History. 5 times in 3 seconds, and so on. IE is stuck at 95% gold efficiency, Hydra starts at 98 and goes to 125% when fully stacked and you only need 2 stacks to go >100% gold efficiency. 2900 gold +350 Health +55 Magic Resist +7% Move Speed. The best item in here is Navori Quickblade, also get Phantom Dancer. Total cost increased from 2800 to 3000. I think it would be a good 4th or 5th item. Plus Essence Reaver second gives you your Sheen and Mana. So 55% navori is 3. I like to go Galeforce, BGreaves, Navori, IE, then itemize from there, usually between Dom's, mortal, and then ER. Domination. It's easier to generate a lead in lane as ad tf than AP, you needs more kills to stack mejais, and then time. NEW Unique Passive - Impermanence: Your abilities deal up to 20% increased damage based on critical strike chance. Sword + Noonquiver + Long Sword Core items: Kraken Slayer > Navori Quickblades > Phantom Dancer Situational items: LDR, Black Cleaver, Shieldbow, Maw,. Quickblade is more useful against team comps that are centric around high-cooldown, important abilities that are. Botrk>Kraken Slayer>Navori>Shieldbow> I recommend Death Dance. The reason its good on support senna is because it allows her to spam everything and create niche builds to support your team like moonstone, or frostfire, or everfrost, or even just going kraken into Navori into runnans for no cooldowns. Navori Yi Navori Yi. On top of. 65. 3. The Tristana build for ADC is Navori Quickblades and Lethal Tempo. 1 comment. F. ago. 0 AS, if you have more, your Q CD will be lower and so the Navori proc is even less significant. 2,071 Matches. Ray-Gun-21. Turbo Chemtank Bloodthirster Essence Reaver The Collector Stormrazor Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Briar Jungle has a 52. ATTACK DAMAGE : 60. So 55% navori is 3. Trynda>>>>>Yone>>Yi (which will probably not build it if Rageblade loses the 0 crit interaction)>>>>Yasuo (coz he already has extra low CDs and the windwall is much better for high elo than anything)>>>>the rest of the world. Things get weirder with Navori Quickblades though. Provides AD, crit and AH. There was a discussion about the new navori quickblade being an amazing third item for Varus. for beginners (quickblade still necessary sometimes) Berserker's Greaves Phantom Dancer Immortal Shieldbow Navori Quickblades Titanic Hydra Gargoyle Stoneplate. Gets huge value from it, constant AA resets and high Q and W cooldowns make the passive super efficient. ago. On a champion like Shen who heavily relies on. 73% WR. This mathematically translates to: C (t) = C 0 γ − t − β Navori is expensive and only gets its effect when fully built so the spike would come later than other meta items. E. hide. Your goal is to hit as much attack speed as possible. Or. With the. PTA needs 3 autos obviously) Lethal on AP is the replacement for PTA, but again, FF is a 'must' or you'll lose many matchups. all of her CDs r very high . Lethal Tempo gives more AD than conqueror because her passive makes excess attack speed above 1. 22 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. ago. I've been going quickblade on trist most of the games now. Navori quickblade. 1s. -You can't buy navori and shojin in the same build. 3 to 0. Just throw your Q, W away until you have max feathers and pull them back. +124% Attack speed. Still running lethal tempo, I found rushing Navori Quickblade for second item (after Immortal Shieldbow) extremely effiecnt, allowing me to effectively stick to enemies and rush them down with Kled’s W autos, which in turn could refresh his abilities. Recognizing that she’s “been a little too strong since”, Riot Games decided to nerf her in patch 12. Essence Reaver. Members Online. The Precision rune tree is the primary rune in this setup, with Inspiration as the secondary. Testing to see if buying Guinsoo's Rageblade makes Passive on Navori Quickblade Useless. Crimson Curse actually deals more damage than Hemorrhage except darius bleed gives him bonus attack damage at max stacks and resets on his ultimate. Ezreal build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. Absolute Focus. 259 Matches. The opposite of Lethal Tempo, giving upfront burst in exchange for sustained DPS. So it only reduces by 20% of 0. Once players have built Galeforce, Infinity Edge, and Navori Quickblade on him, Tryndamere becomes a nightmare. Platinum+. Navori quick blades is the most expensive ADC item tied with all ADC mythics, BT, and IE however, navori quickblades offer ZERO value to almost any ADC in the game. I haven't seen much discussion about the incoming season, my apologies if it is already been discussed but I want to bring your attention to a. Quickblades value comes from more E uptime in my opinion, but I feel in the quick, high damage interactions that currently dominate the game, autos are just more reliable than fully stacking your E (or trying to get Q off cooldown in a hurry vs. AP KOG'MAW. Yea, I just feel better when I can go ham and all in with lethal tempo I think, so it's probably that it fits. Very good for her other abilities as well, it is my go to 3th/4th item. A community dedicated to Aurelion Sol. %Damage increases seem to. The Relentless Storm (PASSIVE) Volibear Passive Ability. 1000. These changes, however, do not affect AD Ahri, who casts spells while weaving auto attacks in between to stack Lethal Tempo’s passive. 61 seconds to reach max poison stacks and hit every projectile with two 6links, cluster jewels, fairly expensive uniques. mechanics and interactions. The reworked Navori Quickblade, although weaker than the previous one in hindsight, seems strong when paired up with Infinity Edge as both can synergize with crits very well. It's easier to build on poke-Ashe than dps-Ashe, but it's an item that, for its cost, is hard to fit in early reliably well, yet later on is less valuable. 1. If the alternative is galeforce, collector and a pickaxe, you get 140 bonus AD, 20% ASpd, 40% crit, 12 lethality, a dash and the collector effect. Experimental build 2. Luden's Tempest Zhonya's Hourglass Seraph's Embrace Mejai's. 1. Wrath's on-hit damage does not apply to structures. ) On Kaisa, Navori is 3400 gold. 78% WR. Just came across This post that confirms Navori's "spell" damage amp also works on on-hit effects, and Senna has a passive on-hit on every auto. Aber ich habe jetzt erst realisiert, dass seine W, seine stärkste Ability, mit Navori Quickbla. In addition, his Q reduces cooldown with 1. There are not enough points in luck to lean into VATS critical damage. 23. Solari Chargeblade. Navori Quickblades is a decent item in League of Legends. Q: 20-16s W: 22-14s E: 16-14s R: 120-100s . Aside from that, I think Tempo is still better for Kog since it has higher dps once the atkspd kicks in compared to the 3 autos from HoB. Namely Runaans Hurricane for its incredibly strong interactions with her Q and E, as well as Navori Quickblades reducing. Full cds blown auto spam, no navori interaction, even as my e and w come up. Draven Ezreal wins the game by getting ahead on tempo with cost-efficient removal, Draven, Arachnoid Sentry, and Tri-beam Improbulator, followed up with a leveled Ezreal or. With Navori, Tristana's W goes from 18 - 11s (dep. Better to have more survivability than attack speed on samira. Navori Quickblades looks like a made for Quinn item especially after the preseason changes. Previously used for more laning strength, this keystone has fallen off after Lethal Tempo's changes. Navori Quickblades interaction. Navori feels nice at 100 crit and I tried bloodthirster, and replacing it with Navori increases dps by 300 and allows you to dash more often, it only counts the first projectile though. Guinsoo's Rageblade's mythic passive can grant up to 25% armor penetration and 30% magic penetration with 5 other Legendary items. Having it on Tryndamere allows you to build Navori / Essence first, IE second without lacking attack speed. Kraken -> BF sword for q evolve -> Stormrazor -> Navori/Phantom Dancer -> the other -> mercurial/mortal/defensive Threading in beserkers when you can Now honestly idk if navori needs 60 or 80% crit to become worth, but for me, most games finish before 4th item, so have been building navori 3rd to test it more. Navori blade along lethal tempo. E. Transcendence: If you have at least 60% Critical Strike Chance, your attacks reduce your ability cooldowns by 15%. It now gives damage bonus to your abilities based on your crit rate. Turns out, earlier access to incredibly strong items is a simple recipe for "overpowered role. Having low cd would be the reason to get navori. 3400 Gold. It does work, since Navori passive directly removes CD from abilities when you crit without using the CDR stat. Wit's End Spirit Visage Blade of the Ruined King Phantom Dancer Mortal Reminder Chempunk Chainsword Galeforce Infinity Edge Navori Quickblades. 90s cooldown, it will save you from a gank once. First back - Navori Quickblade rush. Dig it for her. For those unaware: Navori Quickblade 3400 Gold +60 Attack Damage +20% Critical Strike Chance +30 Ability Haste Nimble Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown. If you have Navori Quickblades you will be rooting people every 3-4 seconds, entire teams almost. 75% Last patch. You still deal insane damages while being unkillable. 27 votes, 15 comments. Im going in game right now to test it and I'm coming back with results. Manaflow Band. Close. This LoL Sivir guide for ADC at Platinum+ on 13. Attacks reduce this ability's cooldown by 0. Typically Renekton wants to build damage to force opponents to respond to you while you split push. Cost: 3400. how do you carry on trista without navori quickblade and ER ?For the rest of your items you'll want to pick based off of the game you're in. Even if u decide to play the champ more auto attacky, navori is still good cuz you'll have have permanent uptime on Q WHICH HAS NO MANA COST BTW, so u can just spam that shit & have free 125% attack speed bonus all the time during fights. I use lethal tempo, triumph (you have mana from cookies and ER), bloodline and coup de Grace. The CD reduction on Q would give her a lot of extra healing and damage in teamfights. -Navori's passive does not increase damage of Wuju Style (E. Reduce cooldowns. This rune gives you attack speed per stack to a maximum of 10 stacks and at full stacks you gain 75 bonus attack range! Since this section comes before abilities you may or may not know how her auto attacking and Q Burst Fire works, but the Lethal Tempo interaction with your Q Burst Fire which is your “auto attack” will increase its total range from 825 to. But cooldown for barrels to generate always stays the same. Therefore Teemo's blind should work on such abilities and prevent damage from them which would make. She can also siphon Mist from enemy champions she hits twice within a 4 seconds, dealing 1. Teemo's blind does not prevent damage from gangplanks Q but normally gangplank's Q adds a stack of lethal tempo. The fundamental law of marksmen is to never be in the threat range of more than 1 enemy at a time. She want to kite and keep. all of her CDs r very high . Bones231 • 8 mo. Another item that has been forgotten is Runaan's Hurricane. This allows corki to Q and E more often during fights. Posted by 11 months ago. 97 votes, 17 comments. 5s on average. Navori Quickblades interaction. Legend: Alacrity. In the upcoming mid-season update, Riot will rework Navori Quickblades into a mythic item. And 1. Stormrazor. A common mistake is to use R straight away. 22 comments. So a BF sword cheaper. (The Q CDR is a visual glitch, as you see no directional markers appear although the cooldown shows up on the ability HUD until much later. 5 as cap after attacking a enemy. Activate Mystic Mine. Some primarily on-hit champs also use abilities frequently, so this two-item combo could be very nice to build. Doran’s Shield Health Potion Stealth Ward Full Items. Kinda funny to piss people off, not too viable though lmao. Feels great. Boots are either Beserker's or Defense Boots. PSA: Keep an eye on Navori Quickblade. BOX ur main wepon) in fight just place close to enemys. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Navori Quickblades (helps lowering E cd so u might get 2 stuns instead of 1) Phantom Dancer (cheap, MS, AS for more Quickblade crits) Ionian Boots of Lucidity . I like having perma W tho, and also at 2 items i deal more damage if i dont crit. 1% win rate with 7. First of all this is cheese support build that makes focuses on keeping W up at all time with Navori. You can spam your Q and E like billions of times. Tear of the Goddess / Manamune / Muramana: Q interaction removed in 12. One thing people either forget or don't realize about Navori is that it now gives a crit scaling to your abilities. This is Ezreal-level mobility. LL Arakaali's Fang + Carrion. One thing people either forget or don't realize about Navori is that it now gives a crit scaling to your abilities. Potential option in both crit and poke builds, though expensive. You have to build a standard tank item to help clear jungle, Sunfire is your best bet. Navori is trash. Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, disabling nearby towers for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds and dealing 300 / 500 / 700 (+2. Since I will be constantly buffed by my E due to Navori, I am okay with not having Phantom Dancer, but I will be sacrificing the shield Phantom Dancer provides. CC and Exhaust are Tristana 's worst enemy, since her damage post Explosive Charge isn't very high (though Lethal Tempo can mitigate this to an extent). Guaanch. Sheen passive. Turns out, earlier access to incredibly strong items is a simple recipe for "overpowered role. so many games are decided before you hit 18 probably like 80% of them and since adcs are already super lategame this isnt gonna work. 22. The item could be removed from the game and Trynd would hardly notice. Then attack speed boots (of course you can get the boots first if it works better with your gold), then navori quickblade and bork. Navori Quickblades. No one goes lethal tempo because her aa range is terrible and shes a mage. The 13. 3) Use R when they are out of aa range. I think it depends on how you fit your team comp. So we all know that Q and ult can both critically strike even though both have reduced critical strike damage, but for some reason I cant get navori to reduce my basic attacks cd on abilities with Q and ult at all even with 100% crit. What you can do if you really want the tempo advantage is buying the lower priced item if you have just enough for it when you back instead of buying navori components. patch 13. Renekton is a great duelist, but he lacks team fighting power. But the item only really works with 55%/60% crit. + lethal tempo's extra range also feels really good and clucth when it comes to being safe and kiting imo. 5 minutes later than ER 2nd, or PD 2nd. All the itemization changes are expected to hit live servers on patch 13. Q is also an auto attack reset which the clone will mimic for another chance to crit! E increases attack speed of Wukong and clone to have an incredible burst when casted together. So we all know that Q and ult can both critically strike even though both have reduced critical strike damage, but for some reason I cant get navori. Infinity Edge. Crit is weaker early because of the lower chance to crit. and you will have bonus damage scaling with your crit chance on all abilities- R and W for sure, but. She has no cooldowns + navori doesnt work on ult + expensive. 38%; 41%; 43%; 43%; 43%; Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Matchups & Counters. You are pretty good in 2v2, if you can burst the enemy. Sivir damage does benefit from Navori but IE also gives her way better W damage on criting so it falls flat after 3 items. Lethal Tempo gives more AD than conqueror because her passive makes excess attack speed above 1. 2crit rate. Or when u try to escape and u jump Q ti bush already use box and run away or try to fight and w8 when ur cooldonws get ready. Master Yi's interactions with new navori and shojin. It could also have a home on afew champs like kog'maw and aphelios, but certain interactions, such as rageblade and aphelios's kit straight up not working* with the item, prevent the item from being a reasonable option on either champ. Rule 2. Force of Nature. Then I get a tank mythic like Jak'sho or iceborne and go into a maw or steraks. Navori Quickblade now properly triggers when Yasuo uses his E – Sweeping Blade and Q – Steel Tempest combo; If a player’s inventory is full and they sell their Trinket, attempting to. Tryndamere gains 5 Fury for striking a unit or 10 Fury for a critical strike, and 10 extra Fury for killing a unit. 3c. Runes: Lethal Tempo // Sorcery. Spear of Shojin has AD scaling AH in one of its passives. socials#challenger #kingnidhogg #leagueoflegendsAmong nerfs to champions, Patch 13. 6. Senna can absorb Mist by attacking souls that spawn from dead enemies. It all comes down to Navori. Navori quickblade second item is best choice for Tristana. Guides Builds Counters Skins Abilities Q&A To Top. • 1 yr. On Kaisa, Navori is 3400 gold. maybe even navori quickblade. BOX ur main wepon) in fight just place close to enemys. yeah ur right, viego doesn’t need that cd on his abilities its better on other champs. 4),. Not sure if this is intended or not. The 1 second cooldown in between placing barrels does get affected. It now competes with IE and Rageblade for the Marksman capstone item with the following stats: 60 AD, 20% Crit, 20 Ability Haste. share. + Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo It's Good KeyStone For Kai'Sa Because Lethal Tempo Gives You A Lot Of Attack Speed And Range This Runes It's Good Against Poke Example: Caitlyn, Senna Etc. Archived post. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Legend: Bloodline. Even if u decide to play the champ more auto attacky, navori is still good cuz you'll have have permanent uptime on Q WHICH HAS NO MANA COST BTW, so u can just spam that shit & have free 125% attack speed bonus all the time during fights. #leagueoflegendsShieldbow -> PD -> IE -> BT or LDR against tanks. Honestly I think it’s a better fit than PD on sivir as well. Popping your passive with your W all,ows for great burst, surprising your enemy. Navori Quickblades is a great core item for Sivir because of the extra damage on abilities and lower cooldowns, so it helps a lot with your DPS. +30 Ability Haste. Crit animation threw me off a bit. Trynda>>>>>Yone>>Yi (which will probably not build it if. 13: essence nerf but i prefer triforce ezreal anyway. 3. full crit builds: 3400+2800+3400+1100=10700g. I actually did a lot of practice tool testing on this, wayyyy back when the item rework first happened. Even before navori quickblade and the galeforce/ goredrinker combo the champ was considered a bit too strong by many people due to the inflation of cdr giving him an abyssmaly low e cooldown but trying to deny that tryndamere is in a disgusting state ever since is just delusional if you ask me. Lethal Tempo Interaction With. Lethal tempo + New rune with armor pen. GPM stats are around 350 gold/min. Add a Comment. TOTAL COST : 3400 gold BUILD PATH : Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility +. Personally I dont appreciate Quickblades that much on TF, I feel that other items do a better job as a cherry on top of his current crit build, such as Phantom Dancer. If enemy team has like 2 tanks you need to get ldr. Miss Fortune has huge burst on her AA Q AA combo, its worth 300% ad + 100 + PTA + Kraken, and possibly 400% if Q bounces. Win Rate. Ich hasse Kog'Maw als ADC im gegnerischen Team schon so immer. Senna Discussion - LoL. Gold Value On-hit damage has a gold value of 21. Immortal Shieldbow Navori Quickblades Bloodthirster The Collector Mortal Reminder Berserker's Greaves. Best build for pushing towers too. Meanwhile, the only other rune to get a change is Lethal Tempo, which will be getting a six percent decrease in its ranged attack speed bonus at early levels, while also maxing out at level 18. Anti heal is required im nearly all matches . With that in mind, Lethal Tempo is the only viable rune from the Precision tree. 22 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. You get Lethal Tempo, attack speed runes, manaflowband (other runes are up. 3 comments. the only thing that seems to reduce their CDs is my auto attacks. It's pretty good on Lucian as well if you have fast fingers because of the cooldown reduction for all his abilities in conjunction with his passive. 45%; 45%; 48%; 48%; 49%; Build ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz Pro Builds Trends Matchups & Counters. After the new mythic changes, the efficiency of the rune dropped massively. Navori Quickblade? With the new mythic changes to adc, I wanted to try miss fortune again and was testing a weird build of collector rush into navori with first strike runes, was wondering why I haven't seen anything on navori and wanted to see other's opinions on it. Turns out, earlier access to incredibly strong items is a simple recipe for "overpowered role. Herald is an AMAZING build right now. Navori is an absolute powerspike on xayah even as a third or fourth, Even tho its expensive it massively improves her overall dps and you can spam feathers and E much more, Even a life saver when jumped on while E is on cooldown. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. share. In short trades IE>Navori; in medium trades Navori>IE; and in long fights IE>Navori again. Check my post over on r/ADCmains from earlier this morning. Regarding this question, it is true that Lethal Tempo offers better opportunities to utilize the bonus attack speed granted since it is not limited to 3 attacks. Fasting Senna can easily go Kraken into Navori, but it's a bit. 25 / 1. Twitch: nerfs to LT, Quickblades, BT, and Bloodline. Lethal tempo is definitely good for him but it's still situational. With the upcoming nerfs to Guinsoo’s, I’ve been thinking about running Navori Quickblades on Senna. 5% WR. Despite only 1. Sword (60 AD, 20% crit chance), use Q and compare the damages. 4 AD or 9 AP) +6 Armor Spells: Tried and True Flash. 3400 Gold +60 Attack Damage +20% Critical Strike Chance +30 Ability Haste. Tempo is definitely better than grasp late game but Warwick doesn't have the luxury of scaling so you need to play for early strength imo. The Tristana build for ADC is Navori Quickblades and Lethal Tempo. 98. W. Well, hybrid Kai'sa is the way she was always meant to be played from a design standpoint. 5% of Ashe ADC's run Lethal Tempo, yet the default is still PTA. Will not be able to do anything anymore. Goffred is one of the few legendaries with a 3 turn CD 100% stun, so he can be excellent in hard DT especially versus waves that require controlling the opposing champs (such as the Mortu waves, among others).